60min Tough Stuff Yin for IT band, Hip Flexors & Spine


Oftentimes yogi’s will come to class with a nagging pain in a hard to reach area thats accuulated tension over time. This practice targets a few of those places by releasing tight tendons in your hips that might contract into your lower back. This can happen out of fear & this practice will hold space/quiet for you to process what is nagging at you. Hope it helps!

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Oftentimes yogi’s will come to class with a nagging pain in a hard to reach area thats accuulated tension over time. This practice targets a few of those places by releasing tight tendons in your hips that might contract into your lower back. This can happen out of fear & this practice will hold space/quiet for you to process what is nagging at you. Hope it helps!

Oftentimes yogi’s will come to class with a nagging pain in a hard to reach area thats accuulated tension over time. This practice targets a few of those places by releasing tight tendons in your hips that might contract into your lower back. This can happen out of fear & this practice will hold space/quiet for you to process what is nagging at you. Hope it helps!