90min Full Moon in Libra Vinyasa Yoga Practice


This All levels Vinyasa practice will offer modifications and a slow stretch to build up towards strength and core heat. Using our breath we send the heat throughout all pockets of tension within the body to feel empowered to overcome challenges, find balance from within, meeting conflict with ease, and relaxing through tension. We learn to leverage this Aries & Libra energy to strike a balance and find harmony within to benefit ourselves and the world around you.

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This All levels Vinyasa practice will offer modifications and a slow stretch to build up towards strength and core heat. Using our breath we send the heat throughout all pockets of tension within the body to feel empowered to overcome challenges, find balance from within, meeting conflict with ease, and relaxing through tension. We learn to leverage this Aries & Libra energy to strike a balance and find harmony within to benefit ourselves and the world around you.

This All levels Vinyasa practice will offer modifications and a slow stretch to build up towards strength and core heat. Using our breath we send the heat throughout all pockets of tension within the body to feel empowered to overcome challenges, find balance from within, meeting conflict with ease, and relaxing through tension. We learn to leverage this Aries & Libra energy to strike a balance and find harmony within to benefit ourselves and the world around you.