90-Min Yin Yoga for Winter Solstice
This 90-minute Yin Yoga practice tailored toward the Winter Solstice December 21st. This time of inner reflection preceding a dawn of a new way of being will last for some time as the changes take shape. You can expect probing inquiries followed by held space in this connective tissues & fascia release offering potent energy for revelations for yourself.
This 90-minute Yin Yoga practice tailored toward the Winter Solstice December 21st. This time of inner reflection preceding a dawn of a new way of being will last for some time as the changes take shape. You can expect probing inquiries followed by held space in this connective tissues & fascia release offering potent energy for revelations for yourself.
This 90-minute Yin Yoga practice tailored toward the Winter Solstice December 21st. This time of inner reflection preceding a dawn of a new way of being will last for some time as the changes take shape. You can expect probing inquiries followed by held space in this connective tissues & fascia release offering potent energy for revelations for yourself.